Category: Voices from Choucha camp Tunesia

Evacuation du camp de réfugiés de Choucha – 2017

19 Juin 2017 Une opération d’évacuation du camp de réfugiés de Choucha à Ben Guerdane a commencé dans la matinée du lundi 19 juin 2017. L’opération a été lancée avec la présence d’un grand nombre d’agents de sécurité et de…

Letter from Choucha 2015

Dear All, Choucha refugee camp that was officially closed by the responsible UNHCR leaving hundreds in limbo at the camp till date,at the Tunsian-Libyan border, since 2011. We would like to update you about our situation, though there is not…

Choucha refugee camp to be closed – 2014

Letter from Choucha  2015 (more info on choucha: here) Tunisia, the humanitarian emergency of the Choucha refugee camp Lamia Ledrisi / Mediterranean Affairs, 15 June 2015   To UNHCR, IOM, the Tunisian Red Cross, the Tunisian government and all the…

Refugees in the tunesian desert – 2012

May 2012 One year after the Choucha Appeal nothing has changed. Still 3.500 refugees are blocked in the desert. The film has been done by boderline-europe and Pro Asyl

Thousands of sub-Saharan refugees and migrants trapped in Choucha camp near Libyan border – many flee back to Libya

Thousands of sub-Saharan refugees and migrants trapped in Choucha camp near Libyan border – many flee back to Libya Choucha is one of four camps situated at the open Tunisian-Libyan border between Ben Guardane und Ras Jdir. It was set…